Univex Consultancy Pty Ltd is the Australian operation of ARMC.
Is a workforce solutions-based international consulting company, providing services in workforce development as well as education and training policy development and management.
It provides advice in the following services:
- technical vocational education and training (TVET) system policy and qualifications framework creation, implementation and management, and learning resources development including curriculum, training resources and assessment tools, and work placement and integration (internships, cadetships and apprenticeships);
- education and training policy development, management, quality assurance and accreditation / registration, governance and regulation;
- workforce development and skills planning and development;
- labour market and workplace skills development research, intelligence, analyses, strategy and productivity;
- organisational development and industrial / employee relations, learning and development, and human resources;
- international, national and organisational workplace competency frameworks, occupational analysis, occupational classifications, occupational data structures, occupational profiles, occupational skills standards including national occupational skills standards (NOSS), competency standards, work organisation and job design, job descriptions, workplace standards, occupational and workplace assessment standards, career planning and talent management;
- policy development - occupational licensing / certification and skills migration / immigration and assessment; and
- project management
For more information about our services, please contact Tony Palladino, Principal Consultant, Workforce Development at: Email: tonypalladino@uvet.com.au LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/tonypalladino/

Australia: (Tony) M: +61 4 3739 6363
