Our services
Univex Consultancy is committed to assisting organisations in researching and developing innovative policy initiatives, structures and processes to harness and improve the skills base and productivity potential of the workforce. It includes identifying opportunities for improving effectiveness and efficiency in skills development and workplace performance through change management strategies, such as:
- integrating formal vocational education and training (VET) development with non-formal workplace learning,
- establishing qualifications and competency frameworks including occupational skill (competency) standards,
- improving learning and work organisation culture and practices, including governance and quality assurance,
- analysing and effecting job redesign, classifying jobs and job structures,
- conducting workplace competency assessment activities,
- developing and embedding sustainable skills enhancement programs, career plans and performance appraisals, and
- exploring opportunities for rewarding success and selecting the right staff.
We also explore with our clients the possibilities that could be deployed to improve organisational performance, that add value to products and services, increase the return on investment and maximise the capability of their human resources.
Additionally, we provide research and consulting services in relation to labour market intelligence and productivity, and the development and management of vocational education and training (VET) systems and establishments. It includes conducting training needs analysis, project managing, assisting in preparing institutional accreditation and education and training quality assurance and accreditation / registration applications and managing their processes. As well designing and producing technical learning products, materials, resources and services.
We look to develop practical solutions to:
- establishing, managing, quality assuring and integrating vocational education and training (VET) systems including qualification systems and competency standards
- establishing, managing, quality assuring and integrating vocational education and training (VET) organisations and delivery with organisational performance
- developing occupational skills and competency frameworks,
- developing workforce skills,
- enhancing workplace productivity, work organisation and job design,
- developing organisational, human resource and learning capability, and
- identifying productivity measures and trends that improve individual performance.