
Improving Labour - Workforce Productivity

  • providing vocational education and training (VET) and qualifications systems development support services and management
  • developing qualifications and workplace occupational skills (competency) standards,
  • developing the productivity potential of the workforce
  • identifying improvement opportunities in work organisation to maximise increased effectiveness and efficiency in individual's workplace performance
  • developing occupational data structures, career plans and performance appraisals
  • analysing and redesigning jobs
  • classifying jobs and producing job descriptions
  • conducting skills enhancements, as well as workplace competency assessment activities, and
  • assessment tools and instruments.

Improving Organisational Productivity

  • developing productivity enhancement strategies such as integrating formal vocational education and training (VET) development with non-formal workplace learning and building a sustainable and long-term learning and development culture
  • identifying and developing policies and process that improve organisational performance, governance, add value to products and services, and maximise an organisation's human resource capability

Analysing Requirements for Improving Workforce, Organisational and Individual Performance

  • developing proposals for vocational education and training (VET) establishments
  • researching development of technical products, materials, resources and services
  • developing governance frameworks and well as preparing quality assurance and institutional accreditation / registrations applications
  • researching and analysing workforce and labour market performance and productivity as well as gathering related industry and market intelligence
  • analysing organisational performance
  • conducting training needs (TNA) and occupational skills / competency analysis
  • developing competency frameworks, learning and assessment strategies and tools, career plans and supporting talent management

Univex Consultancy Pty Ltd